24 March 2023 18:45 Two convicted of gunpoint robbery of boxer Amir Khan in Leyton Dante Campbell, 20 (09.01.03) of Denmark Road, N8 and Ahmed Bana, 25 (18.04.97) of Hale Gardens, N17 pleaded guilty to conspiracy to rob and possession of an imitation firearm.

Two men have been convicted of robbing boxer Amir Khan of his watch at gunpoint in Leyton last April.

Dante Campbell, 20 (09.01.03) of Denmark Road, N8 and Ahmed Bana, 25 (18.04.97) of Hale Gardens, N17 pleaded guilty to conspiracy to rob and possession of an imitation firearm.

They will be sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court on a date to be set.

Detective Constable Stuart Ponder, from the Met’s Flying Squad, led the investigation. He said: “This robbery was carefully planned and executed by these individuals who knew exactly who they were targeting and what they were aiming for.

“Despite being on a busy street with other members of the public close by, they had no qualms about brandishing a firearm and threatening Mr Khan with the most brazen and extreme level of violence.

“We know every robbery has a significant impact on the victim and Mr Khan has spoken out about the impact this had, not only on him but his family.

“That is why we are doing everything we can to target individuals who think they can get away with this type of behaviour, from extra patrols at known robbery hotspots and developing intelligence on those carrying out these crimes.

“Anyone who is a victim of a robbery should report it as soon as possible – this helps us ascertain crucial forensic evidence to take these violent criminals off our streets.”

On Monday, 18 April 2022, Mr Khan and his wife visited a restaurant on High Street, Leyton.

After eating, they left the venue at around 21:10hrs and crossed the road to get to their car. As they approached the vehicle, he was approached by Campbell, who pointed a gun in his face and shouted “take off the watch”.

Mr Khan handed over his watch – believed to be worth around £70,000 – and the men ran back towards their car before quickly driving away.

Officers from the Met’s Flying Squad immediately launched an investigation, including an extensive examination of CCTV. This identified the robbers arriving at the scene in a silver Mercedes which pulled in front of Mr Khan’s car just moments before the attack.

Enquiries showed the car was insured to a man named Ahmed Bana, who remained in the vehicle and acted as the getaway driver. Through him, they were also able to identify Dante Campbell as the man who had carried out the gunpoint robbery.

Campbell and Bana were arrested as part of a planned operation in the early hours of 22 June 2022.

Clothing and a backpack matching that worn by the gunman on CCTV was found in Campbell’s bedroom.

One man, Hamza Kulane, remains wanted in connection with the robbery. Officers are asking anyone who has any information about him to contact them immediately on 101 with reference Op Fanlight. Alternatively call independent charity completely anonymously on 0800 555 111.

+ Nurul Amin (02.03.98) of Cavendish Road, N4 and Ismail Mohammed (05.05.98) of Sheldon Road, N18 were found not guilty of conspiracy to rob at the conclusion of a trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court.