5 June 2024 18:55 Met specialist operation sees its 1000th success in shutting down drug criminals The Metropolitan Police marked closing their 1000th drug line, where criminals use phone lines to move and sell drugs across London, in an early morning warrant in Hendon today (Wednesday, 5 June).

The Metropolitan Police marked closing their 1000th drug line, where criminals use phone lines to move and sell drugs across London, in an early morning warrant in Hendon today (Wednesday, 5 June).

This is part of a specialist operation to tackle drug trafficking across London which to date, has meant 736 people have been arrested, who will now serve a total of over 895 years behind bars.

The operation, known as Yamata, was established in 2022 to combat drug dealing across the capital. Specialist officers use innovative data techniques to tackle drug lines that facilitate and fuel the selling of significant amounts of Class A drugs.

Officers undertake intelligence led investigations to follow these drug lines to track down the main suppliers and arrest them with the assistance of local officers who have expert knowledge of their neighbourhoods.

This data-led approach ensures the Met’s operations are focused on the most prolific and dangerous individuals, making neighbourhoods safe from the unpredictable violence and devastation the drugs trade causes.

Detective Chief Superintendent Ella Marriott, who led the operation, said: “Drug lines have a devastating impact on local communities, with often highly violent individuals exploiting others to flood our streets with drugs.

“Recognising the links between drugs, exploitation and anti-social and violent crime, the Met is relentlessly focused on using precision, data-led policing to bring these unscrupulous criminals to justice.

“Operations such as Yamata are essential for taking these dangerous and often unpredictable violent criminals off our streets, delivering a safer London.”

As a result of the warrant in Hendon this morning, one man was arrested on suspicion with intent to supply Class A drugs. He was found with crystal meth, and a meth production facility in his kitchen.

The Met is focusing on community policing, ensuring that it tackles the crimes that are of most concern to residents. Across the capital, Londoners regularly say they are worried about drug dealing in their streets, and the associated violence and anti-social behaviour it brings.

In order to provide reassurance to residents, local neighbourhood policing teams deploy additional high visibility patrols, especially after activities such as early morning warrants.

In addition to tackling the most high-risk offenders, the Met is working with local authorities, community leaders, charities and the health sector to provide support to the most vulnerable individuals. Since 2021, the Met has contacted and referred over 8,000 people to drug treatment services.


The results of Operation Yamata since its inception in April 2022 to June 2024

Total number of lines closed and individuals arrested and charged:

  • Lines closed: 1000
  • Arrests: 736
  • Charges: 2451

Total number of convictions, sentenced and total years of sentencing:

  • Convicted: 253
  • Sentenced: 248
  • Total years of sentencing: 896.5

Total number of weapons, drugs and cash seized:

  • 17 firearms seized
  • 184 weapons seized
  • £1,781,003 seized
  • 14 kilos of cocaine, 66 kilos of cannabis and 6 kilos of heroin seized

Met Police safeguarding results for those affected by drugs from 2021 – 2024

Since the London launch of Project ADDER in 2021, there have been:

  • 255 individuals referred to partner agencies for safeguarding.
  • 5,887 individuals contacted via Rescue Text Message to signpost them to drug treatment services.
  • 124 individuals referred to drug treatment services through direct engagement with drugs service users.
  • 1,792 individuals referred to drug treatment services following a positive drug test on arrest whilst in police custody.