Written Statement: Launch of consultation on the draft Priorities for Culture: 2024-2030

Today I have launched a consultation on the draft Priorities for Culture. We focus on three main priorities: 

  • Bringing people together through culture 
  • Promoting Wales as a nation of culture 
  • Ensuring the culture sector is resilient and sustainable.

These priorities are supported by a further twenty ambitions.

This consultation will be relevant to the entire culture sector in Wales, from national organisations to grassroots projects, all of which contribute to our rich cultural tapestry. The draft strategy is also relevant across the Welsh Government and to all other public sector organisations who are delivering the Well-being of Future Generations Act’s goal of A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language.

In launching the consultation process, I acknowledge the difficult financial challenge the culture sector in Wales is currently facing. I believe it is more important than ever for Government to outline a strategic direction to support operational planning and decision-making across the culture sector. I look forward to considering the consultation responses before publishing the final version of the Priorities and I am already committed to keeping the Priorities under review once published. 

Members will recall the Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism provided a written statement in March outlining the next steps. I have decided to extend the consultation period. It will now run for 15 weeks, ending on 4 September 2024, to ensure as many people as possible can respond.

I would like to extend my thanks to the Designated Member for her involvement and support throughout the period of developing the Priorities. I was delighted to spend time with Hijinx theatre company this week as part of launching the consultation. The first ambition in the Priorities for Culture has a focus on accessibility, inclusivity and diversity, and on breaking down barriers to cultural participation – Hijinx’s work in this area is truly inspirational and exemplifies the power of culture to support social justice for everyone in Wales.   

I encourage all those with an interest in culture in Wales to take part in the consultation and help shape the final Priorities document.