Written Statement: NHS Wales Speaking up Safely Framework

Today we are publishing the Speaking up Safely Framework for NHS Wales. This framework is a joint Welsh Government and NHS Wales document, developed in partnership with our trade union colleagues. The Framework sets out the responsibilities of all NHS Wales organisations, their executive teams, and boards, along with those of managers and individual members of staff in further building a culture in which ‘Speaking Up’, is supported within a safe environment.

The Framework was circulated to NHS Wales Chief Executives at the end of August. This was to support their reflection on their quality and safety systems in light of recent events, which have served as a stark reminder of how vital it is that everyone working in the NHS feel safe and confident to speak up about anything that gets in the way of delivering safe, high-quality care.

Leaders and managers must be willing to listen, deal with concerns appropriately and be open to constructive challenge. Speaking up and bringing these issues into the open is a brave and vulnerable thing to do. We are committed to support the NHS in Wales to nurture an ethos where this is welcomed and seen as an opportunity to listen, learn and improve.

I am committed to supporting the culture change needed in the NHS in Wales and trust the introduction of this Framework will assist in driving this change.